Overview |
Social Security pays disability benefits under two programs: the Social Security disability insurance program (SSD), and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program.
For Social Security Disability (SSD) you must have worked and paid in enough quarters to be insured under the program. If you get Social Security disability benefits (not SSI) you may be eligible for Medicare.
SSI disability payments are made on the basis of financial need. This program is for people with disabilities who, don't have enough quarters paid in to be insured, and don't own much or who don't have much income. If you get SSI, you usually get food stamps and Medicaid, too.
You should apply for all benefits that you are qualified for. No matter what kind of disability benefits you are applying for, you must give social security information about your medical, work, and education history, to help them decide if you are disabled. The medical requirements are the same under both programs, and your disability is determined by the same process.