- CALL AFTER 5:00 - You can only apply for social security disability in person, on line, or over the phone. If you call the 800 number (800-772-1213), and don't want to be on hold for a very long time, call after 5:00 p.m. They are open till 7:00 p.m. our time, and your hold time will be reduced considerably.
- APPEAL - Unfortunately most people are denied their benefits at the initial application and reconsideration stages. We understand that to be turned down is disheartening. Please remember that you made this application because you were unable to work. If you stop your claim at this stage, you will still be unable to work. There is one rule - appeal, appeal, appeal. Those who appeal will be the ones to win their claim.
- If you are denied, Social Security must notify you in writing. The letter will tell you that you have 60 days to appeal. There is no reason to wait the 60 days. This will only delay your claim, and make it more likely that you will miss the appeal deadline. Make a copy of EVERYTHING you turn into Social Security! Social Security is famous for losing documents. Always keep a copy of everything, including the Social Security forms you fill out. Make a folder and keep everything, including the letters you receive from Social Security in one place.
- CERTIFIED MAIL OR IN PERSON - All forms, letters, or documents sent to Social Security should be sent in certified mail, or taken in, in person. When Social Security loses your documents, and they will, you will have to have proof that you turned it in on time. If you take something in, in person, make sure you get a receipt.
* TRAP - Social Security sends forms to you with a self- addressed, no postage needed, envelope. If you use this envelope and they say they never got the forms, you will have no proof that you mailed it.
- FILE AS SOON AS YOU BECOME DISABLED - Although you must be disabled for at least 12 months, or be expected to be disabled for at least 12 months, it generally takes from 3 to 5 months to process the initial claim and another 3 to 4 months at the reconsideration stage. More than 60% of claims are denied at the initial application and over half of those that request reconsideration are denied. Most people have been disabled for the 12 months required or more by time they get to a hearing.
- HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED WITH YOU - You can shorten the process time by having certain information with you when you apply, such as:
- To apply you can call your local Social Security office; or call the national number Names, addresses and phone numbers of the doctors, caseworkers, hospitals and clinics that you have treated you for your impairment, (include the dates of your visits);
- Names, dosage, and side affects, if applicable, of all your medications;
- Copies of any medical records form your doctors, therapists, caseworkers, hospitals, and clinics that you already have in your possession;
- Copies of any laboratory and test results you already have in your possession;
- A list of the jobs you've had in the last 15 years, with the dates when you worked at each, and a description of what you did.
- INFORMATION YOU NEED FOR SSI CLAIMS - If you are applying for SSI, having the following information with you when you apply will have speed up the process:
- Information about the home where you live, such as your mortgage or lease/rental agreement and landlord's name;
- payroll slips, bank books, insurance policies, burial fund records, and other information about your income and the things you own;
- Copies of any loan agreements, even if hand written, for loans you received from people helping you since you've been disabled. They must indicate that you will repay the loan when you get your SSI, not IF you get your SSI.
- DIRECT DEPOSIT - When you apply for SSD or SSI, bring your checkbook or other papers that show your account number at a bank, credit union or other financial institution, so you can have your benefits deposited directly into your account. Direct Deposit protects you form loss or theft of your check, or delays in the mail. The money is always on time
- NO CHARGE FOR MEDICAL RECORDS - Under the current law in Texas (Sec. 161.202 Health and Safety Code), a health care provider or facility may not charge a fee for medical or mental health records requested by a patient or former patient, or by an attorney or other authorized representative of the patient or former patient, for use in supporting an application for disability benefits. With proof that you have a pending social security disability claim, you can get your medical records free of charge.
- YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO FILE AND APPEAL - Don't let someone at the social security office stop you from filing. If they tell you you'll just be denied, or refuse to take your application, this is an indication you need a lawyer. Everyone has a right to file an application for disability, and if denied, to appeal!
Because of pricing issues, and the growing problem of identity theft, we prefer that potential clients not submit their information to us over the Internet. Please contact us at the below numbers, and the phone call and consultation is free.
*** Don't give Social Security your only copy. KEEP A COPY OF EVERYTHING!
*** Don't delay filing for benefits just because you don't have all the information and documents you need, you can send them into your local office when you get them!