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Railroad Disability

Payment of RR Benefits

If you receive a favorable decision, you will receive a written decision in the mail General Rule. Generally, the earliest beginning date permitted by law is the latest of the following:

  • The first day of the 12th month before the month in which the RRB received your annuity application, or
  • the first day of the month following the "disability annuity waiting period"

The "disability annuity waiting period." A waiting period must be completed before your annuity can begin. The waiting period ends the last day of the 5th month after the month your disability began.

For Example: Let's say a person becomes disabled January 10, 2004. He applies for a disability annuity on March 5, 2006. The waiting period ends on the last day of June, 2004 (last day of 5th month after disability began). However, the annuity payments cannot begin until March 1, 2005 (the first day of the 12th month before the month the RRB received the application.)

Occupational Disability
Total and Permanent Disability
How to Apply
About the Process
The Appeals Process
Payment of RR Benefits
Attorney Fees

P.O. Box 1704 Spring, Texas 77383 Phone: 713.526.8981 or  888.811.1322 Fax: 281.350.4632