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Railroad Disability

Occupational Disability

If you are unable to work in your regular railroad job, you may qualify for an occupational disability annuity.

You must:

  • have a current connection with the railroad industry, and

  • have 240 months of creditable railroad service, or have 120 months of creditable railroad service and be at least age 60, and

  • be "permanently disabled" for work in your "regular railroad occupation."

"Regular railroad occupation" means the occupation in which you worked in more months in the last 5 years before your disability began than in any other occupation during that period.

You may, instead, claim as our "regular railroad occupation" the one in which your worked in more than half of all the months you worked in the last 15 years before your disability began.

Occupational Disability
Total and Permanent Disability
How to Apply
About the Process
The Appeals Process
Payment of RR Benefits
Attorney Fees

P.O. Box 1704 Spring, Texas 77383 Phone: 713.526.8981 or  888.811.1322 Fax: 281.350.4632